How to safely move your tech when moving house

When it comes to moving house, it can be very stressful, especially if many of your most valued possessions are expensive and tech related. You do not want a desktop computer that you have spent the last five years modifying with the best RAM and the best graphic cards only to see them break when you move house because they were either not shipped or packed correctly. So, to keep your stress levels to a minimum and saving you from having to pay out to replace damaged or broken tech, here are three quick tips on how you can safely move your tech when it comes to moving house.

#1 Store in its original packaging

Storing your computer and monitors (and whatever other necessities you need, such as monitor arms and gaming kits) needs to be done correctly. You might not know how much bubble wrap you will need to use, or what you need to do to ensure it will not get broken. Unfortunately, nothing is certain, so something breaking might be inevitable or even unavoidable.

However, what you can do is package it properly, and you can do that by putting it all in the original packaging it came in. This ensures that all of the necessary parts are together, so nothing gets lost, that the packaging is industry standard, so it was good enough to be transported from the factory to the warehouse to your front door. If the original packaging happens to be damaged, you might want to make sure that you use strong tape or zip ties to strengthen it if needs be too.

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#2 Invest in professional shipping services

Investing in professional shipping services should be next on your list. When it comes to moving house, you are going to need moving companies you can trust, so it is good to do your research using a reliable directory before your move takes place. There are many benefits to using professional shipping services to move your fragile kit. Here are the two most important reasons why you should invest in shipping services:

  • More secure than a car. A big truck is going to give far more protection than a car, whether you are in an accident or if you are just thinking about jamming everything in the boot of your vehicle.
  •  Professional, meaning better equipment. Professional shipping services will have special equipment to keep everything held in place and sturdy, to help everything be transported break-free and unscathed.

#3 Make sure you pack in an air-tight container

Packing your boxes in an air-tight container gives you many advantages. For one thing, it definitely gives an extra little barrier against other boxes that might be chafing against it. Another reason is that it will protect the box and the electrics inside from moisture and dampness, as well as stop the boxes from moving around too much. You can even get a container that is slightly too large and pack it full of bubble wrap and other protective materials to lessen the damage any large jolts or bumps might create.

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