Magic Arrow Custom ROM Android 6 For Huawei P8

This is a custom ROM for Huawei P8 based on the European firmware b398 Android 6.0 Marshmallow.You can only install this, if you are already on Android 6 Marshmallow stock Firmware. Source & Credits Tecalote and KangV We are not responsible for any damage to your device. Take a complete nandroid backup before messing up with your device. Don’t blame us for your wrong doings.

Compatible Models

Developed on GRA-L09 C432 – but it should run on all GRA-xxx models and regions due to modifications.

Magisk Edition and Classic Edition

This ROM has two editions-Magisk Edition and Classic Edition Difference between Magisk and Classic Edition
  • The Magisk Edition was made to have a safety net capable device that still offers much more features than Stock Firmware … It has the same features like Classic Edition, with one difference: Outward It looks as if you had not unlocked the bootloader …. Apps like Pokemon Go, various banking apps – which does not work anymore on rooted devices should work in this Rom  However, you can not install Xposed Framework in the Magisk Edition without losing the green safetynet! There is the systemless Xposed Framework by topjohnwu, the developer of Magisk and it works, can be easily downloaded and installed in the Magisk Manager via modules (SDK 23) – but – there is currently no way to pass safetynet with a modified custom Rom together with Xposed Framework! For this reason, the installation pool in K-Settings for Xposed is removed from its function.
  • The Classic Edition is rooted with SuperSU and has same features, but you cannot bypass safteynet check. However, who does not run apps depending on this “questionable” service will have the same joy with this Rom. The advantage of the Classic Edition is: You can install from K-Settings Wanams Xposed Framework 87.1 and use a lot of Xposed modules …

Requirements and information for this Rom

  • If you want to have the best of this Rom, then it would be necessary to start completely clean – means from Custom Rom back to Stock Firmware b398 – With the exception of devices for which there is no more recent firmware than b370. An EMUI Custom Rom is as good as the before installed Firmware in the background. In principle, only system, cust and kernel will be flashed with the Rom zip. The original Firmware update a lot more, like modem etc. Therefore, the Custom Rom works best if you start from latest firmware for your device on which the Rom is based. If you have already latest official Huawei Stock Firmware installed, it is less work… I really dont recommend to flash dirty this Rom directly from Arrow v1 or if you stay on older Firmware. System and Apps will be wiped with the installation script. So you cannot keep your previous apps and data, you have to install them new.
  • You need the latest TWRP: Do not use older ones! The bootloader must be unlocked. Pick up the Huawei unlock code, because it is always valid for the same device. If you do not have an unlock code from Huawei and have problems to get it from Huawei Website, recently you can call regional Huawei service hotline and get the code by mail during 24 hours.


  • Download magisk edition below:

Magisk Edition

  • Download classic edition below:

Classic Edition

Installation Instructions

1) Backup your apps and data from your current Firmware or Rom – but only User-Apps and not System-Apps. You can use Huawei Backup as well as TitaniumBackup. (Don’t restore any System-Apps from previous system in the new Rom – example: if you use Huawei Backup don’t backup Phone manager, but you can backup desktop layout, sms, calendar, User-Apps etc.) Don’t backup and restore Chat-Apps like WhatsApp, Viber, WeChat, Facebook and so on – use their inbuilt Backup Function like Google Drive Backup (it’s different, some Apps are storing everything on their server like Telegram) You must install and register Chat-Apps new on your new Rom. If you don’t do that, Push-Notifications cannot work. 2) Make a backup of important folders and files from your internal storage (DCIM, WhatsApp folder, Downloads….) 3) Download Firmware – depending on the device model – and unzip it on your PC – you receive META-INF and UPDATE.APP
4) Copy UPDATE.APP and META-INF into a folder on the root directory of your external SD which must have the name: dload 5) If you are on Stock Firmware, not rooted you can directly update your Firmware. But go to step 6
  • A) If you are on Stock Firmware, but rooted, with TWRP installed and Xposed Framework installed, uninstall first Xposed Framework, reboot to system, after unroot your device, restore original boot.img and flash the original Huawei Stock Recovery.  B) Arrow Editions: If you have Xposed Framework installed, uninstall Xposed Framework, reboot to system (15 min) – after go to step 6 If you are on Arrow v1 Classic Edition without Xposed Framework, flash Huawei Stock Recovery from K-Settings /more settings / flash recovery – flash official recovery. You can reboot directly from here to Stock Recovery. If you are on Arrow v1 Magisk Edition without Xposed Framework, flash with TWRP Magisk Uninstaller: and after flash Huawei Stock Recovery b391 (by choosing img)
See Also:  Huawei Honor 9 Lite (LLD-AL00) Stock Firmware Android 8.0 Oreo
– go to step 6 6) Press Vol+ and Power Button until phone reboot and hold this position until phone boot up to Stock-Recovery. Here you do first “Wipe Cache Partition” and second “Factory reset” – go to step 7 7) If you start EMUI Update from here, just go to Restart and press Vol+ and Vol- (in the middle down and hold this position), wait until phone reboots and EMUI Software Installing begin (of course, and meta-inf must be already in dload folder) If you was back in system between you can start update with pressing down Vol+ and Vol- in the middle and at the same time pressing Power Button. Wait until phone reboot and you see Huawei Logo. Now you can release Power button, but you must keep holding all the time the pressing down postion with Vol+ and Vol- until EMUI Software Installing begin. After some time your firmware is updated and restart to system. Dont make an account yet, just make short setup. 8) Open settings /about phone and click 7 times on build number for enabling developer options. Open developer options and in there enable USB Debugging. After go to settings / (advanced) settings and enable “unknown sources” 9) Connect your device with USB to your PC and let windows install the drivers or install HiSuite (which installs drivers if windows cannot recognice) You need the USB Connection. With Minimal ADB and Fastboot in administrative mode you can flash now the newest TWRP, which I have linked above.  10) Disconnect your device from USB Cable, soon TWRP is succesful flashed 11) With Vol+ and Power Button reboot your device to TWRP – this step is important if you want to keep TWRP  12) Allow system modification and go to ADVANCED WIPE – choose in the first step ONLY internal Storage (nothing else). Do not wipe internal Storage together with the other partitions in step 14! Soon internal storage is wiped, go back to main menu and restart the recovery. You should get the Root Permission request from TWRP “Allow system modification” once again, allow it and open settings to configure (24h clock, language, time zone, etc) If you don’t get the Root Permission request from TWRP yet, you will get it after next boot to TWRP. 13) Now copy to your external SD – Attention: If you want the boot sound to be played on the phone – before flashing the Rom, sound must be switched on! 14) Boot to TWRP and go to ADVANCED WIPE – Wipe following partitions:
  • Dalvik/Art Cache Cache Cust data system
15) Go back to main menu and flash Magic Arrow. After flashing is done, reboot system without wipe of dalvik/cache. As you know, the first boot process can take up to 15 minutes (just like installing the Xposed Framwork)] After boot to system and first setup – you have to make some IMPORTANT STEPS (see next Point) before you restore /installing your apps and adjust your phone.
Important information for the Magisk -Edition During first setup you may receive a root-rights request, if so, confirm this. After first setup – please do not open the Magisk Manager .Before you do anything else,open settings / about phone and klick 7 times on build number to enable the developer options. Open developer options and in there enable USB debugging! Then go back to Settings – in the b398 there are the extended settings with the short name: Settings. In it, please enable ” allow unknown sources ”
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At this point restart immediately your P8. Now open the Magisk Manager, the app is looking for updates – to speed this up, drag from first white field (like refresh of a website in Chrome) with the finger pressed down – the manager is up to date. Makes a query of the Safteynet = green. Then you go in the Magisk-Manager left to the Controll-Pannel to settings. Do not change anything, with one exception: enable systemless hosts! This step is very important. Then immediately the second reboot . Next open AdAway and activate the hosts file (download files and activate the advertising block) – then the third reboot . After open AdAway again and see if the hosts file is active, if it is, all well, if not, download the hosts files once again and restart P8. (Sometimes another reboot is necessary at the point) Only when AdAway is green (activated) – then the safetynet is passed by. You can now again check in the Magisk manager safetynet = green – if you do not these steps, you can break the safetynet. In addition, root and apps can be blocked! As you know, Magisk uses his own superuser, integrated into Magisk Manager For some reason if you have problems with safetynet with some apps, just download the following module in the Magisk Manager in the Control-Pannel under Download:  Universal Safetynet Fix Otherwise, please do not download any modules, you do not know if they run and what they do. Two modules are preinstalled – please leave this, otherwise this Rom does not function properly with K-Settings! 
Important information for the Classic -Edition The Classic edition gets systemless Root during the installation by SuperSU 2.82 SR1 (SR1 has an integrated update for Huawei devices). After Rom is flashed and you restart phone, the first boot process will terminate, the device will restart once again – this is normal because of systemless rooting . Why systemless this time? Because of compatibility with SuperSU. The new versions of SuperSU are rooting always systemless. If there is the next Final version of SuperSU, you need only flash the zip in TWRP and there are no problems with the update. To enable AdAway , just download the AdAway ad block (hosts file) and reboot the P8 – but after rebooting, please open AdAway again and see if it worked the first time – otherwise just download again and restart the device once more. The second time it fits. AdAway is controlled by the systemless root using an init.d script that mount the hosts file systemlessly and this script is usually only active after the second restart. If you ignore this step, you can block root privileges. 


VoLTE and IP-Calling enabled – disable it, if your mobile provider dont support it! • Push notifications working – Enable WhatsApp, Telegram… as protected apps and enable Wlan and mobile data during “sleeping mode” as always on • Most Gapps contained in system debloaded – please dont flash any GApps, just install it with Playstore (Core GApps and settings are present in the Rom) • System is deodexedpre-rooted: Classic Edition by Chainfires SuperSU 2.82 SR1 – Magisk Edition by topjohnwu MagiskSU 13.3 • BusyBox 1.27.1 – Please dont change this BusyBox to any other (not Stericson, not JRummy…) • Call Recorder – You can enable recording manually, if a call comes through with the memory icon in dialer – or constantly in dialer settings • Some nice themes, BlackPyramid … • K-Settings – as usual with extended restart menu • MiXplorer (very powerful Root-Explorer) and TitaniumBackup (can store backups without any problem through storage SD instead of document provider) • Dolby / Atmos for Teamwork with Viper4Android – best experience with BlackPlayer (or similar) but not Huawei Music App • Security patch level 1 July 2017 – all known Stagefright Security holes are closed • Multiwindow mode – you can start this mode with long tap on square in navigation bar. Close the Mod in the middle with the turquoise symbol. • Viper4Android (enable it via K-Settings) can be linked to its settings permanently in notification bar for quick access. – as usual. • Xposed Framework of Wanam included in K-Settings, Installation start from there, reboots automatically. The Restart needs about 15 minutes.  • VIA Browser instead of Chrome • AdAway – newest release  • And much more… 
Phone Manager and the app PMPlus Phone Manager does not include the Autostart Manager in European Firmware. The advantage is: you do not have to worry about anything, everything is controlled automatically – and also works. But the battery consumption is slightly more, since all apps wait in the background to be called. With the app PMPlus, you can activate the Autostart Manager in the Phone Manager. To do this, start the app, go to Installation and as soon as the succesful message comes, close the app (can be uninstalled thereafter). Now, on screen two of the Phone Manager, the entry“App auto-launch” appears!
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But NOTICE – through this upgrade will initially set ALL Autostarts to 0 ! You must manually enable the most important apps in App auto-launch – all apps that should receive push notifications – and, most importantly, SuperSU in the Classic Edition and Magisk Manager in the Magisk edition. Otherwise Root permissions do not work! Advantage: You have control over which apps should not start at system start or in the background (if you need it rarely) But you must always remember to activate a newly installed app there if necessary. Example: Amazon, E-Bay, PayPal – some of these apps are coupled and not only need the autostart to work , but also the so-called ” app activation ” (which appears in Autostart Manager when such apps are installed) Disadvantage: If the apps are not configured correctly in the mask, you have more trouble than good. So, if you’re not control freaks, then let’s keep your fingers out of it. But if you want to activate this function, it is recommended to do it at the end, if you have already installed all the apps you are using and not before! 
Disable Chinese Letters
The Rom is European, but the K-Settings are from KangV. Thats why the Lunar component is installed in K-Settings (these are the only Chinese letters in this Rom). To hide these, go to K-Settings: 1) Lockscreen and desktop settings and disable: “Lunar Calendar” and at “Desktop weather lunar” 2) Notification settings – disable: “Show statusbar lunar”  Save Battery
  • NFC (with Android Pay) ist enabled by default – disable it and enable it only for the time you need it VoLTE is enabled by default – disable it, if your mobile provider dont support it Location Settings (menu: scan settings) disable WLan and Bluetooth Search while Wlan and Bluetooth is disabled, Navi Apps are working also without this setting. Performance is enabled by default – change this in Akku-Manager (part of Phone Manager) to SMART With “auto app-launch” (if you have installed) you can disable Apps which you use just sometimes. Bluetooth enable it – if you use it and disable it – if you don’t need it at the moment
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