How To Fix aw snap error in Google Chrome Easily

Google Chrome is one of the most popular web browsers out there in the market, and there is no denying that. The web browser is available on pretty much on all platforms and it works just as good on mobile as it does on a computer. However, regardless of which platform you use it on, you must have seen this error message, which goes something like ‘Aw, Snap!’ This is encountered often while loading a website and when Chrome detects a problem and is unable to load the page for some reason. The sad part, this error message doesn’t really provide you a reason for this.

There could be a ton of different reasons which can lead to that error message and we have listed them below for your understanding –

  • Poor internet connectivity.
  • Blocked by Anti-virus or firewall settings.
  • Corrupted Google Chrome file.
  • Affected by Virus or Malware.

Well, now that you know what is could be the potential cause of the Aw, Snap! message, let’s look at some of the things which you can do to fix it.

Troubleshooting Aw Snap! Error message

  • The first thing which you can is to try and reload the page which is showing the Aw, Snap! error message.
  • If the first step didn’t fix the issue, then you can also remove all the extensions and reinstall them.
  • To test this, you can simply load the web page in incognito mode and see if it loads. If it does, then go back to Chrome extensions menu and delete all of them and again install them.
  • if you are still facing the issue after this, then try to disable them one-by-one and then install them.
  • You can also try and create a new profile for your chrome browser.
  • To do this, first, exit form the Google Chrome browser. Once done, open windows explorer and type %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\ and hit enter.
  • Once you are there, simply a folder named ‘Default’ and rename it to ‘Backup Default’
  • Go to Chrome now and tap on settings and look for ‘Privacy’. Once you are in the Privacy menu, mark the following options –
    • ‘Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors’
    • Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar
    • Predict network actions to improve page load performance
    • Enable phishing and malware protection.
    • Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google

Out of all the methods given above, at least one of it should have fixed the problem by now and you should be good to go.

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