Aplikasi WRS-BMKG bertujuan untuk menyebarluaskan informasi gempabumi M ≥ 5.0, tsunami, dan gempabumi dirasakan yang terjadi khususnya di wilayah Indonesia.
Aplikasi ini disediakan untuk stakeholder BMKG seperti BNPB, BPBD, Pemerintah Daerah, media radio, media televisi, TNI, POLRI, Kementrian/ Lembaga Negera lain dan pihak swata, agar mereka mendapatkan cara termudah untuk menerima informasi dari Sistem Peringatan Tsunami Indonesia (InaTEWS) BMKG Indonesia.
Fitur-fitur aplikasi:
1. Peta
2. Daftar 30 kejadian terakhir untuk masing-masing: gempabumi M ≥ 5.0, tsunami, dan gempabumi dirasakan
3. Peta guncangan/ shakemap
4. Peta perkiraan waktu kedatangan tsunami
5. Peta perkiraan tinggi permukaan laut maksimum
6. Peta perkiraan level warning pada zona warning
7. Tabular perkiraan level warning
8. Urutan peringatan dini tsunami
9. Jarak pusat gempa dengan lokasi pengguna
10. Info MMI daerah yang merasakan gempa untuk gempa dirasakan
11. Saran dan arahan dari BMKG
12. Umur kejadian gempa
13. Notifikasi suara dan pop-up alert
14. Share informasi
15. Plot sesar
16. Tautan ke penjelasan/ Siaran Pers BMKG
17. Umpan balik pengguna
18. Glosari
© InaTEWS-BMKG Indonesia
Gedung C Lantai 2 BMKG Pusat
Jl. Angkasa 1 No. 2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia 10610
The WRS-BMKG application aims to disseminate information on earthquakes M ≥ 5.0, tsunamis, and earthquakes that occurred especially in the territory of Indonesia.
This application is provided for BMKG stakeholders such as BNPB, BPBD, Local Government, radio media, television media, TNI, POLRI, Ministries / other State Institutions and private parties, so that they get the easiest way to receive information from the Indonesian Tsunami Warning System (InaTEWS) BMKG Indonesia.
Application features:
1. Map
2. List the last 30 events for each: earthquake M ≥ 5.0, tsunami, and earthquake felt
3. Shake / shakemap maps
4. Map of estimated tsunami arrival time
5. Map of approximate maximum sea level
6. Map of estimated warning levels in the warning zone
7. Tabular approximate warning level
8. Tsunami Early Warning Sequence
9. Distance from the epicenter to the user’s location
10. MMI information on areas that felt an earthquake for an earthquake that was felt
11. Advice and direction from BMKG
12. The age of the earthquake
13. Sound notifications and pop-up alerts
14. Share information
15. Fault plot
16. Links to BMKG explanations / press releases
17. User feedback
18. Glossary
© InaTEWS-BMKG Indonesia
Building C, 2nd Floor of Central BMKG
Jl. Space 1 No. 2 Kemayoran, Jakarta, Indonesia 10610
Perbaikan bug.
App Name | WRS-BMKG v1.1.2 |
Genre | Apps, Weather |
Size | 3.0M |
Latest Version | 1.1.2 |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | July 1, 2021 |
Package Name | id.bmkg.wrsbmkg |
Rating | 4.4 ( 1120 ) |
Installs | 100,000+ |
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