當你已經使用TW中文輸入法(gcin免費版)一段時間,後來購買無廣告贊助版gcin,請先用免費版 gcin工具「匯出所有資料」,在贊助版「匯入所有資料」,即可完全轉移原有的狀態。相同的Google帳戶,只要付費一次,終身換手機可免付費安裝且更新。
gcin 中文輸入法(含注音、倉頡、行列)的特點
– 詞音&傳統注音:預選詞輸入部分注音時就可以選詞,自動選字。注音鍵盤支援:標準、21鍵注音(小手機用)、倚天26鍵、許氏、拼音。注音聲調符號 「ˇ ˋˊ˙」輸入標點符號 「?、, 。」,標點符號輸入更方便。
– 螢幕鍵盤&實體鍵盤支援[ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] 聲韻母快速同時輸入&免刪除直接修正(需關閉41鍵可無聲調注音)
– 可輸入開頭的部份注音就一次可選整個詞。例如輸入ㄓㄏ可一次選中華民國,免文字接龍。
– 預選詞最多可選到10-20個(可設定),一般單列選擇區輸入法的只能選3個左右。提供選字列,如果自動選字不對可以直接選。
– 螢幕鍵盤上的長按鍵可快速切換各種鍵盤。不輸入時沒有工具列&編輯選字區佔據螢幕的缺點。也可以改成傳統編輯區內嵌的方式。
– 可立即加詞 & 編輯詞庫,匯出&匯入詞庫,詞的長度可達32字
– 大字編輯區,比在AP的編輯區修改編輯更容易,輸入標點符號自動送出編輯區
– 設定→點觸時→按鍵間距。太接近邊緣時忽略此點觸,內定是5(畫素)
– 簡體輸出,內附剪貼區 繁體<->簡體翻譯工具 & 注音查詢工具
– 多種鍵盤背景主題可供選擇,文字顏色可以自選。螢幕鍵盤的高度 & 候選字的大小可以調整。可自己選擇鍵盤底圖照片,大小位置可直接調整,不需要另外裁剪,圖片不會變形。可設定垂直&寬螢幕兩種
– 自訂使用者符號鍵盤,可匯出&匯入,可設定垂直&寬螢幕兩種。每個按鈕可設定4個,長按跳出選單選擇。
– 方向鍵、剪貼鍵鍵盤。
– 支援實體鍵盤(Bluetooth藍牙鍵盤, USB鍵盤OTG),可用 Windows logo 鍵開關螢幕鍵盤。
– 五四三倉頡:有預選詞、自動選字 傳統倉頡 簡易(速成):兩鍵倉頡,有預選詞&自動選字
– 大易、行列、希臘字母&可自行上載自己的中文輸入法 .gtab (*米)。倉頡、大易、行列如果要用預選詞需要自行開啟。
– 可以注音查詢倉頡、行列等 gtab 輸入法的拆碼,支援 * 萬用字元 & 同音字查詢
– .gtab 空白鍵不是用最簡碼提醒
gcin 詞音(類似新注音)的預選詞與取第一個注音的簡寫詞的方式相比,沒有底下的缺點:
1. 不支援[ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] 聲韻母快速同時輸入&免刪除直接修正 2. 簡寫詞輸入半天才發現詞庫沒這個詞,插入重新輸入加詞很麻煩 3.需要更改正常的注音輸入流程
– 41鍵可無聲調注音,也支援注音簡詞。例如輸入 ㄓㄏㄇ 可選擇 張惠妹/中華民國/主畫面
– 可開啟「念出發音」,對減少輸入錯誤有些幫助。
– 英文輸入預選詞支援有空白的詞、大小寫自動選擇、標點符號自動送出編輯區。可以設定成一開始用英文鍵盤。
– 支援 google 語音輸入,可以把文字內容送到詞音編輯
– 支援左右手單手操作模式,鍵盤縮小靠左 or 靠右。
– 按鍵聲音、振動、跳動顯示可以設定開啟關閉
– 可重複送出剛剛打的編輯區內容
– 實體鍵盤可用 ctrl-shift 快速切換各種輸入法
– 內建注音符號輸入法,免按空白,不用選字。詞音輸入法也可以直接輸入ㄉㄧㄤ、ㄉㄨㄞ、ㄘㄟˋ、ㄅㄧㄤˋ、ㄙㄨㄥˊ不用選字
– 注音鍵盤可設定向上滑直接輸入注音符號,對注音文愛好者是一大福音。內定是關閉
– 內建剪貼區總管(剪貼簿),空白鍵顯示目前剪貼區的內容。長按空白鍵叫出剪貼簿,有「保留儲存格」& 「歷史儲存格」兩種。重新開機內容不會不見。
– 可使用使用者自備字型
– 可下載中文&英文詞庫更新
– 英數全半形切換
– 支援 colemak& dvorak 英數鍵盤
When you have been using the TW Chinese input method (gcin free version) for a period of time, and later buy the ad-free sponsored version of gcin, please use the free version of gcin tool to “export all data”, and “import all data” in the sponsored version, you can Completely transfer the original state. The same Google account, as long as you pay once, you can install and update for free when you change your phone for life.
Features of gcin Chinese input method (including Zhuyin, Cangjie, and ranks)
(Cangjie, Rowley, Dayi, Simple can be downloaded from the Internet as needed, no built-in)
– Word pronunciation & traditional phonetic: You can select words when you input partial phonetic of pre-selected words, and automatically select words. Zhuyin keyboard support: Standard, 21-key Zhuyin (for small mobile phones), Yitian 26-key, Xu’s, Pinyin. The phonetic accent symbol “ˇ ˋˊ˙” is used to input punctuation marks “?,, .”, which is more convenient to input punctuation marks.
– On-screen keyboard & physical keyboard support [ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] fast simultaneous input of initials & finals & direct correction without deletion
– You can enter part of the phonetic at the beginning to select the whole word at once. For example, enter ㄓㄏ to select the Republic of China at one time, free of text solitaire.
– You can select up to 10-20 pre-selected words (can be set), generally only about 3 words can be selected for the input method in the single-column selection area. Provides a word selection column, if the automatic word selection is incorrect, you can directly select it.
– Long keys on the on-screen keyboard to quickly switch between various keyboards. No Toolbar & Editing Selection to take up the screen when not typing. It can also be changed to the way of embedding in the traditional editing area.
– Instantly add words & edit thesaurus, export & import thesaurus, the length of words can reach 32 characters
– Large character editing area, it is easier to modify and edit than in the editing area of AP, input punctuation marks are automatically sent to the editing area
– Setting → On Touch → Key Spacing. Ignore this touch when it is too close to the edge, the default is 5 (pixels)
– Simplified output, with clipping area included Traditional <-> Simplified translation tool & phonetic query tool
– A variety of keyboard background themes are available, and the text color can be selected by yourself. The height of the on-screen keyboard & the size of the candidate characters can be adjusted. You can choose the photo of the keyboard basemap by yourself, the size and position can be adjusted directly, no additional cropping is required, and the picture will not be deformed. Can be set for both vertical and wide screen
– Customize the user’s symbol keyboard, export & import, can be set for vertical & wide screen. Each button can be set to 4, long press to jump out of the menu selection.
– Arrow keys, clip key keyboard.
– Supports physical keyboards (Bluetooth keyboard, USB keyboard OTG), you can use the Windows logo key to switch the on-screen keyboard.
– May 4th 3 Cangjie: with pre-selected words and automatic word selection Traditional Cangjie Simple (Quick): Two-button Cangjie, with pre-selected words & automatic word selection
– Dayi, ranks, Greek letters & can upload your own Chinese input method .gtab (*meter). If you want to use pre-selected words in Cangjie, Dayi, and ranks, you need to open them by yourself.
– You can query the split codes of gtab input methods such as Cangjie, Row and Column, etc., support * wild character & homophone query
– .gtab space key is not reminded with the shortest code
Compared with the way of taking the abbreviated words of the first phonetic pronunciation, the preselected words of the gcin word sound (similar to Xinzhuyin) do not have the following disadvantages:
1. Does not support [ㄅ…][ㄧㄨㄩ][ㄚ…] fast simultaneous input of initials and finals & direct correction without deletion 2. It takes a long time to input abbreviated words to find that the word library does not have this word, and it is very troublesome to insert and re-enter the added words 3. The normal phonetic input process needs to be changed
– 41 keys can be used for phonetic phonetics without tone, and also supports phonetic abbreviations. For example, enter ㄓㄏㄇ to select Zhang Huimei/Republic of China/Main screen
– “Pronounce pronunciation” can be turned on, which helps to reduce input errors.
– English input of pre-selected words supports blank words, automatic selection of upper and lower case, and automatic sending of punctuation marks to the editing area. It can be set to use the English keyboard at the beginning.
– Support google voice input, you can send the text content to the word sound editor
– Support left and right one-handed operation mode, the keyboard is reduced to the left or right.
– Button sound, vibration, and beating display can be set to be turned on and off
– You can repeatedly send the content of the editing area you just typed
– The physical keyboard can quickly switch between various input methods with ctrl-shift
– Built-in phonetic symbol input method, no need to press blank, no need to select words. The word sound input method can also directly input ㄉㄧㄤ, ㄉㄨㄞ, ㄘㄟˋ, ㄅㄧㄤˋ, ㄙㄨㄥˊ without choosing words
– The phonetic keyboard can be set to slide up to directly input phonetic symbols, which is a great boon for phonetic fans. Default is off
– Built-in clip area manager (clipbook), the blank key displays the content of the current clip area. Long press the blank key to call up the scrapbook, there are two types of “reserved cell” and “history cell”. Reboot content will not disappear.
– User-provided fonts available
– Downloadable Chinese & English thesaurus update
– Full half-shape switching between English and numbers
– Supports colemak & dvorak alphanumeric keyboards
– 修正無聲調注音的問題
– 調整編輯區的字型大小,讓字的注音分割容易識別
– 長按按鍵選單符號新增
– 表情符號更新
– 藍色輸入區,編輯區字少時用大字,字多用小字
– 改進預選詞
– 修正純注音無法使用「…★」按鈕輸入標點符號
– 修正英數按鍵文字顯示向下偏移
– gtab輸入法螢幕鍵盤使用萬用字元*查詢可一次顯示25個。
– 修正詞音的長按注音拆成兩個後,可能造成的輸入問題。
– 選擇含標點符號的詞「嗎?」會自動送出編輯區
– 修正41鍵無聲調注音選詞移動游標後無法插入注音的問題
– 使用「…★」按鈕輸入標點符號可插入編輯區游標指定的位置,而不是放在結尾。
– 詞音結尾第2個字的注音也可以長按拆成兩個
– 修正少數不符合注音的詞會進入選單的問題
– 注音輸入3個會擠在一格,以減少跳動及空間。
– 修正詞音在長按注音輸入拆成兩個(例ㄓㄨ→ㄓ ㄨ)之後,可能造成後面注音輸入的問題
– 注音新增「注音大字集」選項,增加許多罕用字。內定是關閉。罕用字變多會增加選字困難,平時不建議使用。
– 長按按鍵的選單文字,不套用使用者自己定義的顏色,以免同色造成無法閱讀。
– 修正詞音&拼音輸入
App Name | TW 中文輸入法 注音/行列/倉頡/語音 v5.90 |
Genre | Apps, Tools |
Size | 3.3M |
Latest Version | 5.90 |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | January 28, 2022 |
Package Name | com.hyperrate.gcinfree |
Rating | |
Installs | 50,000+ |
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