あなたらしさを応援する、オトナの女性におくるアプリ【TRILL (トリル) 】
◯様々なカテゴリの最新情報が満載 ファッション、ヘア、メイクなど様々なカテゴリが見放題!カテゴリは自由に並べ替えできるから、自分流にアレンジ!
◯厳選の提携メディアの記事のみの配信 多くの女性の人気を集める有名ファッション誌を含む、100以上の女性向けメディアが読み放題。 最新の女性向けニュースや知っておきたいトレンド情報まで豊富な品揃え。
◯フリーワード検索機能付き 「美容」「ヘアアレンジ」「メイク」など人気キーワードでも検索できる!知りたい情報をサクッと検索!
◯ちょっとした隙間時間に簡単チェック 通勤時間などちょっとした空き時間など、雑誌をめくる感覚で様々な気になるニュースが簡単にチェック!
◯お気に入り登録機能付き 気になる情報をお気に入りに登録して、後でじっくり読める。
◯毎日変わる星座占い 自分の星座を登録するだけで、毎日の総合運と恋愛運も占える。
◇ファッション◇ 気になるファッションや小物、今期注目アイテムの着回し方法、おでかけスポットごとの最適コーデなど大人気のファッション情報!もちろん、最新情報も毎日更新中。
◇ヘア◇ 女子会や仕事でのオススメのヘアや、忙しい日にもできる簡単時短ヘアアレンジのHow to、さらにヘアスタイル情報も!気になるヘアスタイルが見つかるはず!
◇メイク◇ 定番メイクから、メイクのHow to、お悩み別のコスメの紹介。注目コスメの新発売情報なども配信。
◇ネイル◇ 参考になるネイルカタログやネイルテクも随時更新中。ペディキュアはもちろん、ジェルネイル関連も盛りだくさん。
◇恋愛◇ 恋する女性の悩みや彼との悩み、人には聞けないあらゆる恋愛の悩みなどを多数掲載!
◇スキンケア◇ プチプラからご褒美まで最新スキンケア・ボディケア商品や長年愛されている優秀商品まで紹介。スキンケアの正しい方法や季節ごとの美容の悩みはここで発見できます!
◇ライフスタイル◇ 今話題のキッチングッズや本当に便利な100均グッズ、大掃除のテクニックやDIYまで幅広いライフスタイルに関するジャンルが読める!
◇レシピ◇ 時短簡単レシピやトライしてみたい季節食材を使ったレシピ、助かる常備菜アイデア、低カロリーレシピまで豊富な品揃え。
◇インテリア◇ クローゼットの収納方法やインテリアテクニックが満載。憧れの海外雰囲気や真似したいオシャレなインテリアを紹介。
◇グルメ◇ 今話題の気になるトレンドグルメやこれからくる最新グルメだけでなく、新発売のコンビニ商品や日本初上陸レストランまで多数紹介。
◇ダイエット◇ 今日から始められるエクササイズやボディメイク、最新のダイエット情報まで多様に更新中!
◇診断◇ 簡単な5つの質問であなたがわかっちゃう? 性格診断や恋愛占いなど豊富な品揃え!
◇期間限定カテゴリ◇ 季節に合わせたカテゴリには気になる最新トレンドが目白押し!最新情報をまとめて発掘できる。
◇TRILL編集部◇ TRILL編集部のオリジナル記事がまとめて読める!人気の「私のTRILL」では、著名人が「True&Real」をテーマに自身の葛藤や自分らしさを初めて語るインタビュー動画を公開! 恋愛情報や美容情報、著名人の独自取材の限定記事を配信中!
◇おでかけ◇ おしゃれなカフェや各地のイベントなど、気になるスポットが盛りだくさん!彼や女友達と行きたくなる、旅行情報もご紹介。
◇寝る前に…◇ のんびりできる自分の時間に、豊富な情報をゆっくり堪能できちゃう。
◇今年の流行を知りたい時に…◇ トレンドのファッションやネイル、話題のバックやサンダル、コスメなど、最新トレンド情報をいち早くチェック!
◇部屋を綺麗にしたい…◇ 誰でもできる簡単収納テクニックやインテリアブランドのアイテムを使ったオシャレなアイデアで部屋もライフスタイルも一新できる!
◇今日の献立に迷ったら…◇ サクッとできる簡単レシピから作り置きレシピまで盛りだくさん!毎日の献立から特別な日に作りたいレシピまでご紹介。
◇自分でできるネイルが知りたい◇ おすすめなフットネイルやセルフネイルのHOWTOも満載。
◇買い物の前に…◇ コーデや美容情報を参考にすれば、買いたいモノや着たいモノが見つかる。欲しい新商品情報をいち早くGETできる!
◇ちょっとできてしまうすきま時間に◇ 1記事が約2~3分で読めるので、通勤時間やお昼休憩などちょっとしたすきま時間に気になるコンテンツをチェック。
◇好きな人がいるときに…◇ モテ仕草やモテる秘訣など満載。片思いの悩みも彼へのアプローチなどコツを学べる!
◇オンライン女子会にも!◇ 最新ニュースはもちろん、相性診断や性格診断など、面白診断で女子会を盛り上げよう!
◇勝負デートの前日に◇ デートの前日までにやっておきたいスキンケアやヘアケア、ヘアスタイルを悩み別で当日までに完璧に!また、最旬のメイクやコーデ、モテ仕草で彼をドキッとさせよう!
◇女子会の前に…◇ トレンドに敏感な「オトナ女子」。女子会の前にささっと最新情報を確認。褒められファッションや最新コスメ、ヘアアレンジも一緒にチェック!
◇結婚式やパーティーに招待されたときに◇ 華やかなパーティーの日に最適なコーデやメイク術、いつも以上に素敵に魅せてくれるヘアスタイルなどをご紹介!さらに、テーブルマナーや式典マナーも学べる!
◇休日のお出かけ計画に◇ 検索機能で行きたい場所を打てば、人気スポットから穴場スポット、さらにグルメ情報まで見つけられます!
◇旅行やイベントの計画に◇ 全国の女子旅情報やインスタ映えするスポット、お出かけ情報などをいち早くチェック!心配なパッキング術も紹介。
◯Instagram @trill
◯Facebook @trilltrill.jp
An app for adult women that supports your personality [TRILL]
Thanks to you, we have exceeded 10 million downloads!
◆ What is TRILL ◆
◯ An information app for women that allows you to check information on fashion, hair, makeup, nails, romance, fortune-telling, recipes, etc. for free every day.
◯ We will deliver not only fashionable information that you want to know now, but also a little serious content that will deal with romance, marriage, money, and the future.
◯ I want to live my own way! By you of such an adult, you become a partner.
◆ Recommended POINT ◆
◯ Full of categories that women are happy with, such as fashion, hair, makeup, nails, and romance
◯ Trend information of the genre you care about is updated daily
◯ You can also check beauty information according to the season
◯ Specializing in useful information for women, columns, fashion and lifestyle information
◯ Hairstyles, hair arrangements, and makeup are packed with video content
◯ Enjoy fortune-telling with him and popular love fortune-telling
◯ If you want to spread your favorite articles or let your friends know immediately, you can easily share them on SNS such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LINE.
◆ TRILL features ◆
◯ Full of the latest information on various categories You can see various categories such as fashion, hair, and makeup as much as you want! You can rearrange the categories freely, so arrange it in your own way!
◯ Distribution of only carefully selected affiliated media articles Unlimited reading of over 100 women’s media, including famous fashion magazines that are popular with many women. A rich assortment of the latest women’s news and trend information you need to know.
◯ With free word search function You can also search by popular keywords such as “beauty”, “hair arrangement”, and “makeup”! Quickly search for the information you want to know!
◯ TRILL, which can be used for free, can be used immediately when you want to see it!
◯ Easy check in a small gap time You can easily check various interesting news such as commuting time and a little free time as if you were flipping through a magazine!
◯ With favorite registration function You can register the information you are interested in as a favorite and read it carefully later.
◯ Horoscope that changes every day Just by registering your own constellation, you can fortune your daily general luck and love luck.
◆ Categories listed ◆
◇ Fashion ◇ Popular fashion information such as fashions and accessories you care about, how to mix and match items to watch this season, and the best outfits for each outing spot! Of course, the latest information is also updated daily.
◇ Hair ◇ Recommended hair for girls-only gatherings and work, how to easily arrange short-time hair that can be done even on busy days, and hairstyle information! You should find the hairstyle you care about!
◇ Makeup ◇ Introducing cosmetics according to your worries, from standard makeup to how to make up. Information on new releases of notable cosmetics is also delivered.
◇ Nail ◇ Reference nail catalogs and nail tech are being updated at any time. Not only pedicure but also gel nail related items.
◇ Love ◇ A lot of troubles of a woman in love, troubles with him, all kinds of love troubles that people can not hear, etc. are posted!
◇ Fortune-telling ◇ Popular fortune-telling of famous media such as general luck, love luck, and work luck, and original fortune-telling that can only be read by TRILL are also being delivered. You will surely find the fortune-telling you care about.
◇ Skin Care ◇ Introducing the latest skin care and body care products and excellent products that have been loved for many years, from petite plastics to rewards. Find the right way to care for your skin and seasonal beauty concerns here!
◇ Lifestyle ◇ You can read a wide range of lifestyle-related genres, including the hottest kitchen goods, really useful 100 average goods, cleaning techniques, and DIY!
◇ Recipes ◇ A wide variety of recipes, including simple recipes that save time, recipes that use seasonal ingredients that you want to try, ideas for regular vegetables that help you, and low-calorie recipes.
◇ Interior ◇ Full of closet storage methods and interior techniques. Introducing the longed-for overseas atmosphere and the fashionable interior that you want to imitate.
◇ Gourmet ◇ Introducing not only trendy gourmets that are of interest now and the latest gourmets that are coming, but also newly released convenience store products and Japan’s first landing restaurant.
◇ Diet ◇ We are updating various exercises, body makeup, and the latest diet information that you can start today!
◇ Diagnosis ◇ Do you understand with 5 simple questions? A wide variety of products such as personality diagnosis and love fortune-telling!
◇ Limited-time category ◇ Seasonal categories are full of the latest trends! You can find the latest information all at once.
◇ TRILL editorial department ◇ You can read all the original articles of the TRILL editorial department at once! In the popular “My TRILL”, an interview video of a celebrity talking about his own conflicts and personality for the first time under the theme of “True & Real” is released! We are delivering limited articles on love information, beauty information, and celebrity’s original coverage!
◇ Outing ◇ There are plenty of interesting spots such as fashionable cafes and events in various places! Introducing travel information that makes you want to go with him and your girlfriend.
◆ Recommended at such times ◆
◇ Before going to bed … ◇ You can enjoy a wealth of information slowly in your own time when you can relax.
◇ When you want to know the trends of this year … ◇ Check out the latest trend information such as trendy fashion and nails, popular bags, sandals, and cosmetics!
◇ I want to clean the room … ◇ You can renew your room and lifestyle with simple storage techniques that anyone can do and fashionable ideas using interior brand items!
◇ If you get lost in today’s menu … ◇ There are plenty of recipes from quick and easy recipes to pre-made recipes! Introducing from daily menus to recipes you want to make on a special day.
◇ I want to know the nails I can do myself ◇ Full of recommended foot nails and self-made nail HOW TOs.
◇ Before shopping … ◇ You can find what you want to buy or wear by referring to the outfits and beauty information. You can get the new product information you want as soon as possible!
◇ In the gap time that can be done a little ◇ One article can be read in about 2 to 3 minutes, so check the content that you care about in a little gap time such as commuting time and lunch break.
◇ When you have a favorite person … ◇ Full of popular gestures and tips to be popular. You can learn tips such as approaching him even if you have a crush!
◇ Also for online girls-only gatherings! ◇ Let’s liven up the girls’ association with interesting diagnoses such as compatibility diagnosis and personality diagnosis as well as the latest news!
◇ The day before the match date ◇ The skin care, hair care, and hair style that you want to do by the day before the date are completely different by the day! Also, let’s make him surprised with the latest makeup, coordination, and popular gestures!
◇ Before the girls-only gathering … ◇ Trend-sensitive “Lady Girls”. Check the latest information quickly before the girls-only gathering. Check out the complimented fashion, the latest cosmetics, and hair arrangements!
◇ When you are invited to a wedding or party ◇ Introducing the best outfits and makeup techniques for a gorgeous party day, and hairstyles that will make you more attractive than usual! In addition, you can learn table manners and ceremony manners!
◇ For holiday outing plans ◇ If you hit the place you want to go with the search function, you can find popular spots, hidden spots, and even gourmet information!
◇ For planning trips and events ◇ Check out information on women’s trips nationwide, spots that look great on Instagram, and outing information as soon as possible! Introducing worrying packing techniques.
* Can be used in various scenes!
◆ Official website ◆
◯ https://trilltrill.jp/
◆ Official SNS account ◆
◯ Instagram @trill
◯ [email protected]
– 乾燥から肌を守るスキンケア法
– おすすめ美容液
App Name | TRILL(トリル) - 女性のファッション、ヘア、メイク、占い、恋愛、美容 v4.3.3 |
Genre | Games, News & Magazines |
Size | 16M |
Latest Version | 4.3.3 |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | November 16, 2021 |
Package Name | jp.trilltrill.trill |
Rating | 4.0 ( 22055 ) |
Installs | 1,000,000+ |
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