Join the millions of people who manage all things money from one app. Open a free account in minutes today.
From payments to transfers, savings to investments, and everything in between, unlock amazing features that make it easier to get more from your money every day.
Pay and get paid in seconds
Make hassle-free payments to your Revolut friends in 30+ countries, split and settle bills in one place, request money with a tap and more. No hidden fees, just ease
Go from cash to crypto, instantly
Buying, selling, and sending digital currencies has never been easier. Invest in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other tokens with 30+ currencies, from $1. Capital at risk
Transfers without borders
Send and exchange money fee-free in more than 30 currencies from Monday to Friday within your allowance. Spend abroad like a local with excellent exchange rates
Get a card you control
Stay in control of your card’s security by freezing your cards, setting spending limits and more from in the app. And spend safely online with single-use virtual cards
Never overspend again
Take control of your money with smart budgeting and analytics tools. Set limits that help you stick to your budget and get notified when you’ve nearly reached them
Maximise your money
Reach your financial goals faster with Vaults. Set money aside effortlessly by rounding up spare change or save for a holiday and stash your cash in different currencies
Welcome to a better Revolut.
We’ve been working our socks off making improvements to ensure this latest version of the app is the best one yet, so it’s easier than ever for you to get more from your money.
App Name | Revolut vVaries with device |
Genre | Apps, Finance |
Size | Varies with device |
Latest Version | Varies with device |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | November 1, 2021 |
Package Name | com.revolut.revolut |
Rating | 4.7 ( 1277437 ) |
Installs | 10,000,000+ |
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