Resnica ali Izziv APK v0.6 Download

Resnica ali Izziv APK v0.6 Download

3.6 (24)Card, Games

Description of Resnica ali Izziv

Resnica ali Izziv APK v0.6 Download

Aplikacija predstavlja digitalizacijo zabavne igre resnica ali izziv. Aplikacija je namenjena osebam, ki se rade zabavajo v družbi drugih. Vsebina igre je primerna za osebe, ki so že dopolnile 18 let starosti, saj vsebuje različne “vulgarne” oziroma vzburljive besede in namige, v različna dejanja, kot so poljubljanje. Resnica ali izziv zaenkrat ponuja 45 raznolikih resnic in izzivov za katere se mora igralec, ki je na vrsti odločiti.

Igro se je najbolje igrati v družbi petih ali več oseb, saj je tako večja možnost da ista oseba ne dobi dvakrat iste karte. Ko se pojavi prva karta se mora igralec, ki je na vrsti odločiti za resnico ali izziv in pri sebi dobro pretehtati odločitev, saj so nekatere karte narejene na tak način da neglede na odločitev naredijo ali povejo isto stvar, vendar izbirajo med jakostjo sramote, kar pa je odvisno od posameznika.

Karte se razlikujejo po jakosti sramote, ki jo povzroči bodisi resnica ali izziv. To se lahko opazi po številu rumenih in rdečih zvezdicah na vrhu vsake karte. Nekateri izzivi predstavljajo izspostavljanje k nevarnostmi, še posebaj če je oseba pod vplivom alkohola ali drugih substanc, zato se take izzive ne jemlje resno.

Skupina, ki je odgovorna za nastanek te igre ne odgovarja za morebitne poškodbe ali druge nelagodnosti, ki jih zaradi izzov ali resnic povzroči ta igra. Igro se igra po načelu ljubezen in prijatelstvo. Dejanja igralcev ali izrečenih besed se ne jemlje osebno.
The app presents the digitization of a fun game truth or challenge. The application is intended for people who like to have fun in the company of others. The content of the game is suitable for persons who are already 18 years of age, because it contains different “vulgar” or exciting words and clues, in various actions such as kissing. Truth or challenge so far offers 45 varied truths and challenges for the player to turn to.

The game is best played in the company of five or more people, because it is more likely that the same person does not get twice the same card. When the first card comes up, the player in turn must decide the truth or challenge and weigh the decision well, as some cards are made in such a way that regardless of the decision, they do or say the same thing, but choose from the strength of shame, however, it depends on the individual.

Cards vary in the severity of the shame caused by either truth or challenge. This can be observed by the number of yellow and red stars at the top of each card. Some of the challenges are exposure to danger, especially if the person is under the influence of alcohol or other substances, so such challenges are not taken seriously.

The team responsible for the creation of this game is not responsible for any injuries or other discomforts that this game causes due to challenges or truths. The game is played on the principle of love and friendship. The actions of the players or the words spoken are not taken personally.

App Information of Resnica ali Izziv

App Name Resnica ali Izziv v0.6
Genre Card, Games
Latest Version0.6
Get it On Google Play
UpdateDecember 23, 2019
Rating 3.6 ( 24 )
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