Wondering how long until your next birthday? How long ago was Easter? How many workdays until Christmas? Now And Then is a date calculator that will find the time between two dates. You’ll see the results as a quick description (i.e. 2 Months, 10 days, and 9 hours) and as details showing the total number of seconds, minutes, hours, etc.
You can also use Now and Then in calculator mode to add or subtract time from a date to see what date you get as a result. For example, use the calculator to find out what the date and time will be in 5 weeks, or in 14 work days, or in 1,000,000 seconds!
Share what you find with your friends by sending the results out in a text message or email.
Added tabs to switch between between mode and calculator mode.
Now date picker should let you pick dates earlier than 1900. Be careful! Very old dates can take a long time to calculate.
App Name | Now And Then - Date Calculator vVaries with device |
Genre | Apps, Productivity |
Size | Varies with device |
Latest Version | Varies with device |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | July 30, 2012 |
Package Name | com.kentbroadbent.nowandthen |
Rating | 4.3 ( 1316 ) |
Installs | 100,000+ |
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