Kisah Islam Terlengkap
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Perkenankan kami meluncurkan aplikasi kisah islam terlengkap yang dapat anda jadikan pegangan dalam menjalankan syariat Islam dan sebagai pegangan anda dalam beribadah kepada Alloh SWT
adapun cerita atau kisah dalam aplikasi ini antara lain:
Kisah Islam :
– Sejarah Rosulluloh SAW
– Kisah 25 Nabi dan Rasul
– Kisah Sahabat Nabi
– Kisah Khalifah (Khulafaur Rasyidin)
– Kisah Siti Khadijah Istri Rasul
– Kisah Siti Aisyah Istri Rasul
– Kisah Abu Nawas
– Kisah Hikmah Islam
– Cerita Hikmah Islam
– Cerita Islami Pilihan
– dan masih banyak lagi yang akan datang di update berikutnya..
Pengajian Gus Baha
– Ceramah Pendek Gus Baha Tentanh Kehdupan dan Fiqih dalam Kehidupan sehari hari
– Alqur’an 30 Juz
– Panduan Sholat Lengkap ( Fardhu dan Sunah )
– Panduan Doa Lengkap ( Doa Sholat dan harian )
Terimakasih telah menggunakan aplikasi kami.
Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran Wa Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza.
Fitur :
+ Teks arab jelas.
+ Mode arab, latin dan terjemahan.
+ Mp3 Pengajian Gus Baha Offline.
+ Menu utama sebagai navigasi pengguna.
+ Semua Fitur offline (tidak membutuhkan koneksi internet).
+ Aplikasi gratis.
+ Dilengkapi dengan surah-surah pilihan untuk dihafal.
+ Aplikasi dapat disimpan di MEMORY EXTERNAL.
Semoga dengan adanya aplikasi majmu syarif terbaik ini bisa bermanfaat untuk semua umat muslim dari beragam lapisan sosial, latar belakang pendidikan dan usia serta dapat menambah ketakwaan kita terhadap Allah SWT. Aamiin.
Aplikasi ini sangat mudah digunakan dan dengan kualitas suara yang jernih dan HD sehingga anda akan dengan sangat nyaman mendengarkan, juga dari sisi ergonomisnya di desain sedemikian rupa sehingga anda dapat dengan mudah menggunakannya. Semoga anda bahagia salam hangat untuk semua orang yang anda cintai.
Sumber: Audio Public
Disclaimer :
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
Complete Islamic Story
Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings
Let us launch the most complete Islamic story application that you can use as a guide in carrying out Islamic law and as your guide in worshiping Allah SWT.
as for stories or stories in this application include:
Islamic story:
– History of Rasulullah SAW
– The story of 25 Prophets and Apostles
– The story of the Prophet’s Companions
– The story of the Caliph (Khulafaur Rashidin)
– The story of Siti Khadijah’s wife
– The story of Siti Aisyah’s wife
– The story of Abu Nawas
– The Story of Islamic Wisdom
– Islamic Wisdom Stories
– Selected Islamic Stories
– and many more to come in the next update..
Gus Baha’s Recitation
– Gus Baha’s Short Lectures on Life and Fiqh in Daily Life
– Al-Quran 30 Juz
– Complete Prayer Guide ( Fard and Sunna )
– Complete Prayer Guide (Prayer and daily Prayers)
Thank you for using our application.
Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran Wa Jazakumullah Ahsanal Jaza.
Feature :
+ Arabic text is clear.
+ Arabic, latin and translation modes.
+ Mp3 Recitation of Gus Baha Offline.
+ Main menu as user navigation.
+ All Features offline (no internet connection required).
+ Free application.
+ Equipped with selected surahs to memorize.
+ Applications can be stored in EXTERNAL MEMORY.
Hopefully with the best majmu sharif application it can be useful for all Muslims from various social layers, educational backgrounds and ages and can increase our piety to Allah SWT. Amen.
This application is very easy to use and with clear and HD sound quality so you will be very comfortable listening, also from the ergonomic side it is designed in such a way that you can easily use it. Wishing you happiness, warm greetings to all your loved ones.
Source: Public Audio
Disclaimer :
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
App Name | Kisah Islam Lengkap HD Offline v1.0.0 |
Genre | Apps, Education |
Size | 108M |
Latest Version | 1.0.0 |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | November 30, 2021 |
Package Name | com.abisekadev.kisahislam |
Rating | |
Installs | 10+ |
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