The #1 app for IRCTC Train Ticket Booking
Trusted by 1 Crore+ Indians
Official IRCTC partner app for IRCTC train ticket booking. Get confirmed IRCTC tickets with our same train alternates and prediction feature, increase your chances of getting confirm IRCTC train tickets.ย
Book tickets on this IRCTC App with other great features like a full refund on cancellation, instant refund initiation, PNR status and confirmation notification, track where are your train and dedicated 24X7 customer support
1 Crore+ train ticket is already booked on the confirmtkt platform.
Why wait? Download and get a confirmed ticket to travel
What can you do with the ConfirmTkt IRCTC App?
๐บ IRCTC Bookings & Free Cancellation
โ Officially partnered with IRCTC to help our users to book train tickets.
โ Get Confirmed train tickets with our accurate waitlist prediction before booking the ticket.
โ Get a full refund on IRCTC ticket cancellation by opting for our free cancellation feature.
โ Get dedicated 24×7 customer support, for any IRCTC train enquiry & booking related queries call 08068243910
โ Also, our exclusive same train alternatives feature to help you increase your chances of getting confirm IRCTC train tickets.
โ Use our multimodal alternates feature that combines train and train, bus and train to give you a confirmed ticket to travel
โ Easily track seat availability for IRCTC trains by date and location
โ Book your IRCTC tickets instantly – Receive instant SMS Notifications for all bookings/cancellations ๐ฌ
โ Recover forgotten IRCTC or register a new IRCTC userid easily. Reset the IRCTC password in the app.
โ Supports General Quota, Ladies, Tatkal, Lower Berth/Sr. Citizen quotas
โ Current reservation train tickets booking
โ Boarding point change facility
โ All payment modes supported like BHIM/UPI, Net banking, Credit cards and Debit cards
โ Vikalp scheme to avail confirmed berth/ seat in alternate trains to waitlisted passengers
๐ PNR Status & Quota + Wait-list Predictions with Data Analytics
โ Keeps you informed about PNR status changes through notifications
โ Helps predict PNR status confirmations for waitlisted tickets before chart preparations to help you make a well-informed decision about your journey through our analysis
โ View Wait-List trends for specific trains
๐ Live GPS Tracking & Schedules
โ Automatically saves Train Timings & Schedules, enabling you to view these and the live running train status in offline mode as well! โ
โ If you ever worried about train delays, current location, expected time of arrival or asked the question โWhere is my Trainโ? ConfirmTktโs live GPS tracking is the perfect app!
โ Get instant updates on the Train Coach Position
โ Offline & Online – Live tracking through GPS of the train, current location + Train coach position ๐
๐ฒ Easy UI & instant notifications + All your information in one place!
โ Easy to use interface makes your booking process easy to use, smart and intuitive!
โ Use our trip manager for easy access!
โ Automatically fetch PNR details from your SMS to make trip management hassle-free – Your PNRโs get saved, and details can be accessed with a single tap anytime.
โ ConfirmTkt is the proud winner of awards like the mBillionth award for Travel & Culture award in 2017, Manthan award in 2016. It was selected as the most innovative startup by Nasscom 10k startups at NPC, 2016.
Please note that we are a principal service provider for IRCTC, and IRCTC has its own app as irctc rail connect.
Hop on to become a part of our travel family: 2 Crore IRCTC travellers and counting! Happy Predicting!
๐ง Please email us for queries and questions at [email protected]
Booking a train ticket is now easier than ever with this new update.
App Name | IRCTC Train Booking - ConfirmTkt (Confirm Ticket) v |
Genre | Games, Travel & Local |
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Latest Version | |
Get it On | ![]() |
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Package Name | com.confirmtkt.lite |
Rating | ( 339664 ) |
Installs | 10,000,000+ |
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