Aplikacija I-Trophy je zasnovana tako, da ocenjevalca po izbiri vrste divjadi enostavno vodi od meritve do meritve. Način posamezne meritve je nazorno prikazan s fotografijo, ki si jo lahko uporabnik tudi poveča oziroma natančneje ogleda podrobnosti, ki ga zanimajo. Dodatno pa si lahko odpre tudi besedilo z dodatno informacijo o pravilnem poteku merjenja in točkovanju. Aplikacija je torej zasnovana tako, da uporabnika tudi poučuje o merjenju in točkovanju. Izbira vrednosti, na primer dolžin, ali obsegov pri meritvah se izbira s pomočjo drsnika, ki ga lahko upravljamo z enim prstom, enoročno in ni potrebnega vpisovanja decimalnih vrednosti. Pri vrstah, pri katerih se tehta masa rogovja lahko uporabnik s pomočjo drsne izbire fotografije izbere tip odžagane trofeje, ki jo ocenjuje, aplikacija pa tako ustrezno odšteje predpisan odbitek za izračun točk. Podobno lahko uporabnik označi, da je tehtana trofeja še sveža, pri čemer bo aplikacija izmerjeni masi avtomatično odštela 10% vrednosti. Pri pribitkih za lepotne točke, lahko uporabnik z drsno izbiro fotografij, izbere ustrezno vrednost, npr. barvo, grbičavost, grbavost (muflon), razvitost, obarvanost in oblikovanost konic parožkov na podlagi primerjave s trofejo, ki jo ocenjuje in tako izbere ustrezno vrednost. Podobno lahko s posameznimi meritvami, oziroma neposredno izbiro odbitkov z drsnikom določi odbitne točke. Pri vrednostih pri katerih se točkuje razmerje med razkrečenostjo in dolžino rogov(ja) aplikacija sama izračuna ustrezne vrednosti točk, prav tako se na primer avtomatično izračunajo vrednosti točkovanja kron pri navadnem jelenu na podlagi vnesenega števila dolgih in srednje dolgih parožkov v kronah, ali pa izmerjenih dolžine lednikov. Aplikacija I-Trophy samodejno izračuna nekatere sestavljene vrednosti kot je npr. vrednost C-indeksa pri muflonu in pretvori v morebitne odbitne točke ali pa na podlagi vnosa starosti (gams) doda ustrezne točke.
Po vnesenih meritvah in neposrednemu točkovanju pribitkov in odbitkov si lahko uporabnik ogleda seznam vseh meritev oziroma neposrednih točkovanj posameznega ocenjevanja in se po potrebi vrne na meritev, ki jo želi popraviti. Pred izračunom točk uporabnik v aplikacijo vnese ime meritve ( npr. vrsto_uplenitelja_datum) meritvam pa lahko po želji doda še do šest že posnetih fotografij v telefonu ali pa jih naredi neposredno, odvisno od izbire ustreznega gumba. S klikom na gumb odda meritve v izračun točk in pripravo točkovalnega lista, ki ga kot trofejni list lahko pošlje (izvozi) kot datoteko pdf neposredno v svoj telefon, svojim stikom v telefonu npr. preko aplikacije Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger ali pa na e-mail (Gmail), oziroma podatkovne shrambe v oblaku (npr. Drive).
The I-Trophy app is designed to easily guide the assessor from measurement to measurement by choosing the type of game. The method of an individual measurement is clearly shown with a photograph, which the user can also enlarge or view in more detail the details that interest him. Additionally, it can also open a text with additional information on the correct course of measurement and scoring. The application is therefore designed to teach the user about measurement and scoring. The selection of values, such as lengths or ranges in measurements, is selected using a slider that can be operated with one finger, one-handed, and no decimal values are required. For species where the weight of the antlers is weighed, the user can use the sliding selection of the photo to select the type of sawn trophy to be evaluated, and the application will accordingly deduct the prescribed deduction for calculating points. Similarly, the user can indicate that the weighed trophy is still fresh, with the application automatically deducting 10% of the value from the measured mass. In the case of mark-ups for beauty spots, the user can use the sliding selection of photos to select the appropriate value, e.g. the color, hump, hump (mouflon), development, coloring and formation of the tips of the pairs on the basis of a comparison with the trophy it evaluates and thus selects the appropriate value. Similarly, it can determine the deduction points with individual measurements or the direct selection of deductions with the slider. For values where the ratio between the spread and the length of the horns is scored (ja), the application itself calculates the corresponding point values, for example, the scoring values of crows in red deer are automatically calculated based on the number of long and medium-long pairs in crowns. lengths of glaciers. The I-Trophy application automatically calculates some composite values such as e.g. the value of the C-index at the mouflon and converts it into possible deduction points or adds the corresponding points based on the age entry (gams).
After entering the measurements and direct scoring of mark-ups and deductions, the user can view a list of all measurements or direct scoring of an individual assessment and, if necessary, return to the measurement he wants to correct. Before calculating the points, the user enters the name of the measurement in the application (eg type_of_the_daterer_date) and can optionally add up to six already taken photos in the phone or take them directly, depending on the selection of the appropriate button. By clicking on the button, he submits measurements to the calculation of points and the preparation of a scoring sheet, which he can send (export) as a trophy sheet as a pdf file directly to his phone, to his contacts in the phone, e.g. via Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger or e-mail (Gmail), or data storage in the cloud (eg Drive).
– možnost izbire jezika (SI, EN, DE)
– optimizacija animacij
– drugi popravki
App Name | I-Trophy v1.2.3 |
Genre | Apps, Tools |
Size | 54M |
Latest Version | 1.2.3 |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | December 6, 2021 |
Package Name | org.bepet.i_trophy |
Rating | |
Installs | 100+ |
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