BukuBumil – Proses Kehamilan APK v13.2 Download

BukuBumil – Proses Kehamilan APK v13.2 Download

5.0 (17072)Apps, Parenting

Description of BukuBumil - Proses Kehamilan

BukuBumil – Proses Kehamilan APK v13.2 Download

Selamat datang calon Bunda. Ada kebahagiaan yang tak terhingga jika kita bisa mengikuti perkembangan calon bayi kita selama masa kehamilan. Dengan mengikuti perkembangan janin dari minggu ke minggu, kita akan lebih merasakan keberadaannya. Perasaan sayang kita pun akan tumbuh lebih besar dan semoga itu juga akan dirasakan oleh calon bayi kita. Dengan BukuBumil – aplikasi Android gratis bagi ibu hamil, yuk kita ikuti dan dampingi proses kehamilan Bunda saat mengandung si buah hati.

Berikut fitur-fitur BukuBumil:

✔ Perkembangan janin minggu ini
Panduan ibu hamil yang berisi perkembangan janin dari minggu ke minggu, informasi tambahan: tahukah ibu?, dan hal-hal yang harus diwaspadai setiap trimester.

✔ Tips Kehamilan
Kumpulan artikel mengenai panduan makanan bagi ibu hamil, informasi dan cara mengatasi keluhan saat kehamilan, persiapan persalinan, dan ibu hamil dalam Islam.

✔ Musik klasik untuk ibu hamil
Sebagai relaksasi sekaligus membantu perkembangan otak janin. Berisi high-quality musik yang diaransemen khusus untuk bayi.

✔ Kalkulator berat badan
Monitor kenaikan berat badan Bunda selama proses kehamilan sesuai dengan rekomendasi untuk mendapatkan tubuh ideal seusai melahirkan.

✔ Checklists
Simpan dan organisir perlengkapan si calon bayi sejak dalam kandungan hingga persiapan Bunda bersalin dirumah sakit

✔ Kalkulator kehamilan
Tak perlu pusing lagi untuk mengetahui cara menghitung usia kehamilan. Ketahui umur kehamilan Bunda dan perkiraan tanggal lahir bayi dengan otomatis.

✔ Quran
Apakah Bunda seorang muslim? Aktifkan ‘Islamic mode’ untuk mendengarkan bacaan surat Al-Quran yang direkomendasikan saat masa kehamilan. Perkenalkan calon bayi kita kepada ayat-ayatNya sedari kecil.

Suka dengan aplikasi BukuBumil? Bantu kami dengan memberi 5 stars rating di Google Play Store. Terima kasih Bunda dan selamat mengikuti proses kehamilan si buah hati.

BukuBumil English version: http://bit.ly/DownloadPregnantly
Welcome to the prospective mother. There is an infinite happiness if we can follow the development of prospective baby during pregnancy. By following the development of the fetus from week to week, we will feel its existence. Affection we will grow bigger and hopefully it will also be felt by the baby us. With BukuBumil – a free Android application for pregnant women, let us follow and accompany the process of pregnancy Mother of the baby during pregnancy.

BukuBumil the following features:

✔ fetal development this week
Free maternal containing fetal development from week to week, additional information: Mother Know ?, and things to look out for each trimester.

✔ Pregnancy Tips
A collection of articles about food guide for pregnant women, information, and how to deal with complaints during pregnancy, childbirth, and pregnant women in Islam.

✔ classical music for pregnant women
For relaxation and help the development of the fetal brain. Contains high-quality music specially arranged for the baby.

✔ Weight Calculator
Monitor weight gain during pregnancy Mother in accordance with the recommendation to get into shape after the birth.

✔ checklists
Save and organize the supplies of the baby in the womb to the preparation of the Virgin maternity hospital

✔ Pregnancy Calculator
No need to bother anymore to know how to calculate gestational age. Go gestation Mother and baby’s estimated due date automatically.

✔ Quran
Is a Muslim Mother? Enable ‘Islamic’ mode to listen to the recitation of the Quran letter recommended during pregnancy. Introduce the baby to us to His verses from childhood.

Like with BukuBumil application? Please help us by giving 5 stars rating in Google Play Store. Thank you Mother and safely follow the process of pregnancy the baby.

BukuBumil English version: http://bit.ly/DownloadPregnantly
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App Information of BukuBumil - Proses Kehamilan

App Name BukuBumil - Proses Kehamilan v13.2
Genre Apps, Parenting
Latest Version13.2
Get it On Google Play
UpdateApril 2, 2019
Package Namecom.imperialhealthtech.bukubumil
Rating 5.0 ( 17072 )
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