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예스이십사에서 구매한 모든 ebook을 앱에서 읽으세요.
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6) 나의 독서 생활을 한눈에! 독서라이프 서비스
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선호하는 분야,작가 리포트를 제공 및 취향 저격 도서 추천
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9) 무제한 북클럽 서비스
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– 북클럽 서비스를 이용해 보세요.
10) 무료책 제공
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6) My reading life at a glance! Reading Life Service
-Calendar: Check the books you have completed and purchased by date on the calendar
-Notes: You can view highlights and notes left in multiple books in one place.
-Rated Books: You can collect books you have rated.
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Providing a report on your preferred field and author, and recommending a sniper book for your taste
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10) Free book provided
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-Free rental, free 1 book, popular trial version, free comics, and other free books with 80,000 passports.
■ Please leave any inquiries during use to the customer service center.
-YES24 eBook app> Settings> Customer Center> 1:1 Inquiry
-YES24 homepage> customer center> 1:1 inquiry
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[How to change access rights]
-Phone Settings>Application Manager>Yes24 eBook>App Permissions
■ Contact information of developer
-Customer Center: 1544-3800
-Email: [email protected]
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App Name | 예스24 eBook - YES24 eBook v3.1.16 |
Genre | Books & Reference, Games |
Size | 82M |
Latest Version | 3.1.16 |
Get it On | ![]() |
Update | October 8, 2021 |
Package Name | com.yes24.ebook.fourth |
Rating | 3.4 ( 10295 ) |
Installs | 1,000,000+ |
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