萌趣醫院 APK 7.3.0 Download

萌趣醫院 APK 7.3.0 Download

Description of 萌趣醫院

萌趣醫院 APK 7.3.0 Download


★ 建造屬於自己的醫院!超大地圖場景,自由擴建、擺設科室、裝飾裝潢,喜歡暗黑風格的醫院?還是充滿少女心的可愛風格?想建造一個醫院後花園?還是高逼格的員工休息室?這些都由你創造!只有想不到,沒有做不到!

★ 邂逅奇葩病人,發掘他們的病因,對癥下藥!禿頭癥,你以為只有程序猿才擁有嗎?在萌趣醫院,病人將腦門懟在電腦上摩擦,通過摩擦生熱原理溫暖自己混亂的大腦,達到放松的效果而成為禿頭。更有失戀癥、腳氣癥、巨嬰癥等你意想不到的荒誕病癥等你去治愈!

★ 招募有個性的職員!你以為醫生都是一本正經嗎?不,他們或許是理論派、套路王、擼鐵達人、杠精,如果不及時給他們發工資,或許將會有一場有組織的罷工行動!

★ 挑戰各種奇葩事件!古墓、離奇空難、月圓之夜、疫情爆發……大戰萌趣瘋人院,與魔性病人展開一場生死追逐戰!驚險刺激,樂趣不斷,你敢來挑戰嗎?


Welcome to “Mengqu Hospital”! This is a brand-new hospital world, where there are weird patients, medical staff with changeable personalities, absurd treatment techniques, and funny mysterious props. As the dean, your task is to create an elite group, create a unique hospital and carry it forward!

Here you will:
★ Build your own hospital! Large map scenes, free expansion, department furnishings, decorations, like a dark-style hospital? Or a cute style full of girlish hearts? Want to build a hospital back garden? Or a high-level staff lounge? These are all created by you! Only unexpected, nothing impossible!

★ Encounter strange patients, discover their causes, and prescribe the right medicine! Alopecia, do you think that only programmers have it? In the Mengqu Hospital, the patient rubs his forehead on the computer and warms his chaotic brain through the principle of friction and heat generation, achieving a relaxing effect and becoming bald. There are even more unexpected and absurd diseases such as love-breaking disorder, beriberi, giant baby syndrome, etc. waiting for you to heal!

★ Recruiting individual staff! Do you think doctors are serious? No, they may be theoreticians, routine kings, iron masters, and gang masters. If they are not paid in time, there may be an organized strike action!

★ Challenge all kinds of wonderful events! Ancient tombs, bizarre air disasters, full moon nights, outbreaks of the epidemic… Fight the cute lunatic asylum, and start a life-and-death battle with the devilish patient! Thrilling, endless fun, do you dare to challenge?

There are more funny gameplay waiting for you to discover! Work hard to run your exclusive hospital and climb to the pinnacle of the universe~

【contact us】
“Mengqu Hospital” official Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/HospitalMQ/
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App Information of 萌趣醫院

App Name 萌趣醫院 v7.3.0
Genre Games, Simulation
Latest Version7.3.0
Get it On Google Play
UpdateJanuary 24, 2022
Package Namecom.benjiefun.hospitaltw
PUBG Mobile India APK now available
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