モバイルSuicaは、スマートフォン専用のアプリで、簡単にSuicaを発行し、チャージや定期券の購入もアプリで完結。Suicaでのお支払いは、スマホを「かざすだけ」でキャッシュレス決済できる、シンプルで簡単。「JRE POINT」に登録すれば、JR東日本の鉄道に乗ってポイントを貯めたり、貯まったポイントをSuicaにチャージすることもできます。
・ モバイルSuicaアプリに登録したクレジットカード*
・ Google Payに設定したクレジットカード
* 登録できるクレジットカードについては以下のサイトをご覧ください。
* ビューカードを登録すると「オートチャージ」も利用できます。
● 全国でSuica電子マネーを使う
-JRE POINTを貯める、JRE POINTからチャージする
● 定期券やSuicaグリーン券を利用する
Suicaを「JRE POINT」に登録すれば、JR東日本の鉄道に乗ってポイントを貯めたり、貯まったポイントをSuicaにチャージすることもできます。
● タッチでGo!新幹線
● 新幹線eチケットサービス
● エクスプレス予約
● Google Pay™
モバイルSuicaは、Google Pay に対応しており、Google Pay アプリでもチャージができます。
Google Pay はGoogle LLC の商標です。
● 楽天ペイ
・[email protected]のメールを受信できるように設定してください。
・Suica、PASMO、icsca、りゅーと、SAPICA、Kitaca、ICAS nimoca、TOICA、manaca、ICOCA、PiTaPa、SUGOCA、nimoca、はやかけん、OKICAの各エリアの鉄道・バスなどの交通機関でご利用いただけます。
Mobile Suica is a smartphone-only app that allows you to easily issue Suica and complete charging and commuter pass purchases. Payment with Suica is simple and easy, as you can make cashless payments by simply holding your smartphone over. By registering for “JRE POINT”, you can also collect points on the JR East railways and charge Suica with the accumulated points.
[What you can do with Mobile Suica]
With the Mobile Suica app, you can easily enjoy a cashless life with just one smartphone. You can charge anywhere, so you can use the train easily.
You can choose the following two payment methods.
・ Credit card registered in the Mobile Suica app *
・ Credit card set for Google Pay
* Please see the following site for credit cards that can be registered.
* You can also use “auto charge” by registering a view card.
● Use Suica electronic money nationwide
-Checking the balance of electronic money and usage history
-Cash, credit card charge, auto charge setting
-Take a train, bus or taxi
-Payment at convenience stores, shopping centers, restaurants, etc.
-Payment by online shopping
-Accumulate JRE POINTs, charge from JRE POINTs
● Use a commuter pass or Suica green ticket
-Import Suica commuter pass (card)
-Purchase a commuter pass or Suica green ticket with the app
-Issue a receipt on the member website
● Safe even if the terminal is lost or malfunctions
-Reissue registration (suspension procedure) is possible from the member website
For more information, please visit the Mobile Suica website.
[More convenient by linking with various apps and services]
If you register Suica in “JRE POINT”, you can get on the JR East railway and accumulate points, or you can charge the accumulated points to Suica.
● Touch Go! Shinkansen
You can register to use the “Touch to Go! Shinkansen” with the Mobile Suica app (settings will be inherited even if you import from a Suica card). You can board the unreserved seats on the Shinkansen with your charge balance (no advance reservation required).
● Shinkansen e-ticket service
If you register as a member of “Ekinet”, you can use each Shinkansen of JR East without a ticket without receiving a ticket at a ticket vending machine or a ticket office.
● Express reservation
If you register separately, you can also use JR Tokai “Express Reservation” (Tokaido / Sanyo Shinkansen between Tokyo and Hakata) (paid service).
● Google Pay ™
Mobile Suica is compatible with Google Pay and can be charged with the Google Pay app.
Google Pay is a trademark of Google LLC.
● Rakuten Pay
You can issue and charge Suica from the Rakuten Pay app.
Rakuten Pay is a trademark of Rakuten Payment Co., Ltd.
・ A mobile Suica compatible smartphone is required to use this service. Please check the Mobile Suica website for compatible models.
Depending on the model, you can set multiple Suica cards. To use it, you need to set the “main card” in the Osaifu-Keitai app.
・ If you have any questions, please see the FAQ site.
・ Please set so that you can receive emails from [email protected].
・ By transportation such as Suica, PASMO, icsca, Ryuto, SAPICA, Kitaca, ICOS nimoca, TOICA, manaca, ICOCA, PiTaPa, SUGOCA, nimoca, Hayakaken, and OKICA. Available.
App Name | モバイルSuica -電子マネーでキャッシュレス決済、鉄道やバスにも乗れて定期券も使える- v |
Genre | Apps, Finance |
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Get it On | ![]() |
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Package Name | com.mobilesuica.msb.android |
Rating | ( 23121 ) |
Installs | 5,000,000+ |
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